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Two chapters of Veditz's LIfe. George W. Veditz was a leader in Deaf community. He had a famous quote that" As long we have Deaf people on earth and we will have sign language." He fought to have a preservation of sign language on his dream tree with growing hand leaves.
Hands upward to the sky and downward to the earth along with planted seeds with eyes for Deaf babies' rights to have ASL.
Flowers states and his hobbies of red dahlias and chickens.

Right side is dawn coming up where He was born in Maryland and attended to Maryland School for the Deaf. MSD is far right beyound the Frederick hills and in downtown with spiral spikes on churches and a temple on Church Street. Left side, sunset down and nighttime with moon; He lived in Colorado till he died.

Surrounding round the gods of rock and CamelsKiss pike.

Veditz's Dream Tree

  • version 2 of 30"x 40" canvas. Acrylic painting. September 2013. 7 months before first Version, made on mixed medium collage 30" by 50" in Jan-Feb 2013. The idea was drafting print for mosaic tile mural.
    artwork sold to Delaware School for the Deaf. if interested to purchase. please email.
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